Tag: Los Angeles



    This week we got our very own 24/7 lockout!! So now we can finally spend a lot less time hauling equipment around and setting up and a lot more time getting awesome. Right now the lockout is just a plain white room with some dirty carpet and an old abandoned couch, but we’ve been working…

  • Late Night PST

    Late Night PST

    Thursday — 06-01-2011 — 1000 hrs. — GMT Amber and I successfully transfered 5 Top Secret Files to a secure server at: Metropolis Mastering — Chiswick High Road — London — UK …and with that our production work on the Sex & Sound EP is drawn to a close. Thanks to Graham, Geoff, Jeb, Thom,…

  • A Blow Upon a Bruise

    A Blow Upon a Bruise

    …so I’m really not drinking all that much, but did manage -while vacuuming- to undo several weeks work just completed. –RIP Gibson Melody Maker in Violet Lights Violet– …we also happened across information that lead to the discovery of ongoing credit fraud in my name. And have begun climbing a sludgy hill of phone calls…

  • Sell it all, baby

    Sell it all, baby

    It’s not unusual for Joel and I to start selling our possessions when trying to finish a project. For years we’ve had a revolving door through which guitars, amplifiers, cameras, lenses, lights, computers, and innumerable other memorable and not-so-memorable items come and go, depending on whether they are worth more to us as tools or…

  • I have been placed under a Voodoo hex…

    I have been placed under a Voodoo hex…

    Orson Welles once claimed that the reason he became increasingly unable to finish any films as his career progressed was a Voodoo curse placed on him by a witch doctor while he filmed a documentary in Brazil. Lately Joel, too, has been fond of muttering in a low, theatrically serious tone “I have been placed…

  • Third time’s the charm…?

    Third time’s the charm…?

    There are already two attempts in the books at getting Sex & Sound EP mixed in a high-quality and timely fashion, and we are now trying for a third, and we hope, last time, to bring this recording one step away from completion. The tracks have been sent to a producer/mixer/engineer in Austin, Texas and…

  • backyard photo shoot

    backyard photo shoot

    Joel and I have been working on some band photos in the backyard of our place in Santa Monica. We’ve found that what our tiny studio apartment lacks in size it makes up for in the quite useful creepiness of the wildly overgrown backyard. Here’s just a few outtakes. We’ll be posting the finished pictures…

  • Moving Like Its a Hobby

    Moving Like Its a Hobby

    No, for those you that may be worried, Joel and I are not moving again, thank goodness!  Not right now anyway. But since we have moved seven times since we moved to L.A. a year and a half ago (and also moved all of our things in and out of storage two additional times, as…

  • The Night Gremlins and the Live/Work Loft

    The Night Gremlins and the Live/Work Loft

    A little over a week ago, Joel and I moved into an apartment where we hoped we would finally be able to make as much noise as we wanted, and thus turn up guitar amplifiers, play the drums, hold band rehearsal, and all such things necessary to having a rock band. When we signed the…