Moving Like Its a Hobby

No, for those you that may be worried, Joel and I are not moving again, thank goodness!  Not right now anyway.

But since we have moved seven times since we moved to L.A. a year and a half ago (and also moved all of our things in and out of storage two additional times, as Joel likes to remind me), I’d like to share little bit of the chaos of moving constantly when you really don’t want to, but you just have to if you want to stay in Los Angeles, finish a recording, and live under a roof.

Amber Garvey of The Violet Lights in West Hollywood
Joel Nass of The Violet Lights in West Hollywood
Joel Nass of The Violet Lights in West Hollywood


Joel repairs a guitar amp off ebay in our box-strewn and funiture-less apartment in West Hollywood. Our apartments rarely have overhead lights and we don’t own any lamps, so putting our photography equipment to additional use is just a day in the life.

Joel Nass of The Violet Lights in South Los AngelesJoel Nass of The Violet Lights in South Los AngelesJoel Nass of The Violet Lights in South Los Angeles

We only lived at our doomed live/work loft for less than a month, but there is something exhausting about moving to a place only to realize you have to get out of there as soon as possible.  Once we moved all of our things for the ninth time by moving out of south L.A. and into Santa Monica, Joel started using the weekends mainly for one activity – sleeping.

Joel Nass of The Violet Lights in Santa Monica

This is the end of this post, but hey, we did a lot more moving than that.  More posts to come about moving all over Los Angeles, and hopefully a couple more about a certain recording

