Category: Life

  • musician/roadie


    When Joel’s not writing songs, rehearsing, playing shows, working, or remodeling our lockout, he’s disassembling music equipment all over our apartment floor, firing up his soldering iron and getting his amps, guitars and pedals to work or work better. Oftentimes this goes down in the middle of a Saturday afternoon, but sometimes its minutes before…

  • a little less glamorous

    a little less glamorous

    Most projects undertaken by Joel and I (and any unfortunate souls we can convince to get involved!), for some reason, always take much longer and turn out to be more work than we originally envisioned. But perfectionists as we are, rarely a project we start will be finished with a half-hearted effort. In this case,…

  • Silverlake Squalor

    Silverlake Squalor

    Okay…squalor might be too strong of a word, but having moved in a rush less than two weeks ago, holding three late-night band rehearsals a week, going out and drinking more than we probably should, being broke, and just plain not being able to grasp whether things are going really well or horribly wrong, can…



    This week we got our very own 24/7 lockout!! So now we can finally spend a lot less time hauling equipment around and setting up and a lot more time getting awesome. Right now the lockout is just a plain white room with some dirty carpet and an old abandoned couch, but we’ve been working…

  • A Blow Upon a Bruise

    A Blow Upon a Bruise

    …so I’m really not drinking all that much, but did manage -while vacuuming- to undo several weeks work just completed. –RIP Gibson Melody Maker in Violet Lights Violet– …we also happened across information that lead to the discovery of ongoing credit fraud in my name. And have begun climbing a sludgy hill of phone calls…

  • Sell it all, baby

    Sell it all, baby

    It’s not unusual for Joel and I to start selling our possessions when trying to finish a project. For years we’ve had a revolving door through which guitars, amplifiers, cameras, lenses, lights, computers, and innumerable other memorable and not-so-memorable items come and go, depending on whether they are worth more to us as tools or…



    With the EP nearly finished, Joel and I got out the tripod, our wedding photography-worn camera, and some hot pink H&M tights for some work on a couple of press photos for Sex & Sound. Check out the two finished photos below. Hooray for cheap legwear, mini-blinds and a completed project!

  • Hot Russian spies?

    Hot Russian spies?

    Some things went down on the recording this week…secret things. I suppose hot Russian spies weren’t really involved. They were all over the news when we were in the studio, though…and on the mind of our recording engineer.

  • Moving Like Its a Hobby

    Moving Like Its a Hobby

    No, for those you that may be worried, Joel and I are not moving again, thank goodness!  Not right now anyway. But since we have moved seven times since we moved to L.A. a year and a half ago (and also moved all of our things in and out of storage two additional times, as…