Billy McIntyre of The Violet Lights rehearsing in Echo Park, CA


This week we got our very own 24/7 lockout!! So now we can finally spend a lot less time hauling equipment around and setting up and a lot more time getting awesome.

Right now the lockout is just a plain white room with some dirty carpet and an old abandoned couch, but we’ve been working on a plan to make it one sweet place to make some rock music. Its gonna have a lounge area, a mini fridge, christmas lights, new paint, mirrors, some violet stuff…. anyway, soon it’ll be as cool as we are.

Billy McIntyre of The Violet Lights rehearsing in Echo Park, CA

The new lockout

Mike Walker of The Violet Lights rehearsing in Echo Park, CA

Joel Nass of The Violet Lights rehearsing in Echo Park, CA

