A Blow Upon a Bruise

…so I’m really not drinking all that much, but did manage -while vacuuming- to undo several weeks work just completed. –RIP Gibson Melody Maker in Violet Lights Violet–

…we also happened across information that lead to the discovery of ongoing credit fraud in my name. And have begun climbing a sludgy hill of phone calls and document collecting and faxing?!? in the hopes of correcting the discontinuities in my credit history.

…and the mixing has once again been placed on hold due to the breakdown of hardware at the studio in Austin, TX. Hope to be back up and running this week sometime.

On a slightly happier note we had a nice Thanksgiving here in Santa Monica, and were very excited when Amber discovered the growth of some ice crystals on the inside of a jar containing frozen pumpkin destined to become a pie.


